Nigel Kennedy plays live at WHISKI Bar

NIgel Kennedy at Whiski Bar - 13 Jan 2012

What a night this has been – the worlds best selling violinist Nigel Kennedy sold out the Usher Hall on 12th Jan 2012  as part of his UK tour and tonight he joined our resident band and played live in WHISKI Bar last night 13th Jan 2012!!
His whole entourage of friends and crew came in for a meal and then got a fiddle out and joinedin with our band, The Gorms. Truly electric was the atmosphere in WHISKI last night.

A riot of fiddles is no stranger here as Scottish foot stomping music is our speciality and every night of the week all year round there is lots of toe tapping fabulous bands on here but with Nigel Kennedy playing live with us tonight it was a magic experience for everyone in the bar. Two of his band also played live afterwards making this a Friday to remember. He was a lovely guy and stayed till the very end enjoying the atmosphere and chatting. 

We have the vidoe of Nigel kennedy playing live at WHISKI bar and watch this space and we will upload it later today…

Sorry – our video turn upside down and we are working on sorting it out and weillget it up as soon as we can
but here is another one we found of that night